In the year of 2011 Hollywood surprised us with two movies of a very similar kind. Let me tell you a story:
Boy meets girl. Both sick of relationships. Both suffer of a lack of sex. Both very attractive. What happens? They end up in bed. No feelings, just sex. In the end they get that they actually fell in love and live happily ever after. The End.
How girls stumbled in to this:
Maybe, when we start making out and spend enough time he'll realize how cool and nice I am. I just have to let him think I'm all cool about it!
Ok, surprisingly I actually am quite cool with this...if only he'd call more often...oh look there goes my heart...oh shit!!
And - whoop - there you go: what start's of all easy-peasy screws with your head and heart and everything within a wink. It begins with a lot of things like relizing that he or you are jealous. Or by having real fun with real conversations. By knowing each other like no one else. And everything is just so simple. The moment you realize this is the moment it becomes harder. Neither do you know about his feelings or not feelings, let alone the chaos inside of you. You don't know what you're at. He know's you're easy to get so it's too late for playing games.
Ok, I get it. Sex is fun and your last relationship was bullshit so you don't wanna commit to anyone and stuff. But girls, here's what I learned: The feelings are going to come either way. And your life is no movie! Those movies may seem more realistic than Cinderella, but that still doesn't mean they have anything to do with reality. Guys can sleep with girls without comitting to any feelings, while girls - trust me on this - can't. This may not apply to "It happened once...or twice." And maybe it takes some time but it will happen. Even super-tough Anne Hathaway in Love and other Drugs gave up her heart.
What I want are the cheesy lovestories. I want to tell my kids about romance like my parents told me: by telling the truth. I don't mean flowers and candlelight-dinner twice a week. I'm talking feelings. Truth. And knowing, what you're at. Either you sleep around - totally fine! Or go all in for the real deal. If you have an "open relationship" it's easy to analize: Open for me - relationship for you. Or the other way around. Either way, there's no truth in it.