“I feel a personal obligation and a social responsibility. I also do it
selfishly, because I am tired of hiding and I am tired of lying by
26 year old Juno-star wow-ed me with an literally breathtaking speach past valentines day. Even before her outing half through the speech I was fascinated by how good she could put my thoughts in words. I just had to share what she has to say with all of you.
"This world would be a whole lot better if we would just make an effort to be less horrible to one another!"
Her speech doesn't only affect the special or different ones among us. It affects every single one of us, as we all want the world to be a better, loving place. Take the time, she's really worth it!
"What I have learned is that love - the beauty of it, the joy of it and yes, even the pain of it - is the most incredible gift to give, to recieve as a human being. And we deserve to recieve love fully, equally, without shame and without compromise!"