Sonntag, 11. Mai 2014

What I need Diaries for

Guess what - there is a reason why this blog is called The Infamous Diaries! First is obviously because I am infamously infamous. Haha. Second has something to do with diaries. Because - if there is something like that - I am a diary-addict. I have little Notebooks for everything. It's kinda wonderful to have your whole life organized in books and boxes. And there is rarely anything so touching as reading your diary - the one you wrote in 6th grade when you had this huge crush on the guy from 8th grade.

 Sooo here are some inspirations, what you can keep diaries aka notebooks for:

1. Journal
The most famous kind of diary. Write down your thoughts and dark secrets. Start with "Dear Diary..." or simly the date. It's so much fun to re-read you thoughts even a few weeks later. Also it helped me to cope with fights or even breakups because I could recapture the good times and all that cheesy stuff. 

Important: Don't feel like you have to write every day! Feel free to write whenever you feel like it.I have gaps of a few month in mine. Also it's okay to have blank pages. All of the notbooks found filled by Marilyn Monroe weren't finished ;)

2. Daily Calendar
 Probably the most popular form of notebook. Scedule your homework, jobbing, appointments and all other kinds of dates. I also store my timetable for school, To Do-lists, pictures of loved ones and a bunch of inspirational quotes in there.

3. Scetchbook
 For the artsy ones this is a great opportunity to have not only your scribbels and doodles in one place but also collect inspirational pictures from e.g. magazines.

4. Travel Journal
Or basically one for any other special thing you love. My fave notebook-brand Moleskine designed a lot of journals for any specific need and as I am kind of a globetrotter I love my travel journal!

So...what do you use your notebooks for? Any new inspirations? Shoot in the comments!

xoxo V

Sonntag, 16. Februar 2014

Thumbs up for Ellen Page!

 “I feel a personal obligation and a social responsibility. I also do it selfishly, because I am tired of hiding and I am tired of lying by omission.”

26 year old Juno-star wow-ed me with an literally breathtaking speach past valentines day. Even before her outing half through the speech I was fascinated by how good she could put my thoughts in words. I just had to share what she has to say with all of you.

"This world would be a whole lot better if we would just make an effort to be less horrible to one another!"

Her speech doesn't only affect the special or different ones among us. It affects every single one of us, as we all want the world to be a better, loving place. Take the time, she's really worth it!



"What I have learned is that love - the beauty of it, the joy of it and yes, even the pain of it - is the most incredible gift to give, to recieve as a human being. And we deserve to recieve love fully, equally, without shame and without compromise!"

Lots of Love, V

Mittwoch, 5. Februar 2014

The Happiness Project - Spread the Happiness!

I'm so excited! Seconds ago I finished my first ever YouTube-Video. My cause? A project! I was incredibly nervous, I hope it doesn't show too much.

In the german facebook community there's a game going around called "Halbe exen gegen Lernstress". It's about uploading a video in which you drink half a liter of beer. (I know, right?) So after I saw a friend of mine donating to the Philippines instead of drinking I thought that was something that should be spread! So I'll make a start!

Watch and learn:

So, what do you think? I hope I find a lot of happiness-spreaders among you! Here some of my ideas how to spread a little happiness:

  • Write a nice letter.
  • Clean your parents car.
  • Bake a cake. Or brownies. Or something else.
  • Donate something. Anything.
  • Pass a compliment to every person you meet. 

Most important: film yourself doing it! Upload it to facebook and nominate three other friends to Spread the Happiness!

If you want to see your video on this blog just put #tidhappy in the description of your movie. Can't wait to see them all!

...because a smile is the prettiest thing you can wear!

xoxo V

Donnerstag, 16. Januar 2014

Why it was Mila Cunis who ruined our Generation.

To be clear: I adore Mila Cunis, she's one of the most beautiful actress of our time. But:

In the year of 2011 Hollywood surprised us with two movies of a very similar kind. Let me tell you a story:

Boy meets girl. Both sick of relationships. Both suffer of a lack of sex. Both very attractive. What happens? They end up in bed. No feelings, just sex. In the end they get that they actually fell in love and live happily ever after. The End.

One motto, two movies. Great! Truth be told, I loved Friends with Benefits. Basically the tragedy of those movies are/where that they had happy ends where both inividuals ended up realizing that they where deeply in love with each other. So more and more friends of mine told me about exactly this scheme in their lives. And there's tragically often no happily ever after included. So now, three years later I look around me and what happend? There's nothing but a glimpse of serious realtionships around me anymore. WHERE HAS THE LOVE GONE?

How girls stumbled in to this:


Maybe, when we start making out and spend enough time he'll realize how cool and nice I am. I just have to let him think I'm all cool about it!


Ok, surprisingly I actually am quite cool with this...if only he'd call more often...oh look there goes my heart...oh shit!!

      And - whoop - there you go: what start's of all easy-peasy screws with your head and heart and everything within a wink. It begins with a lot of things like relizing that he or you are jealous. Or by having real fun with real conversations. By knowing each other like no one else. And everything is just so simple. The moment you realize this is the moment it becomes harder.  Neither do you know about his feelings or not feelings, let alone the chaos inside of you. You don't know what you're at. He know's you're easy to get so it's too late for playing games. 

      Ok, I get it. Sex is fun and your last relationship was bullshit so you don't wanna commit to anyone and stuff. But girls, here's what I learned: The feelings are going to come either way. And your life is no movie! Those movies may seem more realistic than Cinderella, but that still doesn't mean they have anything to do with reality. Guys can sleep with girls without comitting to any feelings, while girls - trust me on this - can't. This may not apply to "It happened once...or twice." And maybe it takes some time but it will happen. Even super-tough Anne Hathaway in Love and other Drugs gave up her heart.

     What I want are the cheesy lovestories. I want to tell my kids about romance like my parents told me: by telling the truth. I don't mean flowers and candlelight-dinner twice a week. I'm talking feelings. Truth. And knowing, what you're at. Either you sleep around - totally fine! Or go all in for the real deal. If you have an "open relationship" it's easy to analize: Open for me - relationship for you. Or the other way around. Either way, there's no truth in it.

Love, V

Mittwoch, 18. Dezember 2013

Donnerstag, 5. Dezember 2013

Lesson of the Week: DREAM BIG

Since I was a little girl I've had two dreams:

1. New York City
2. A career in fashion business

It sounds like every other girls dream. Well, perhaps it actually is. But there's one important thing: I didn't stop dreaming. There's hardly anyone who know's me and hasn't heard me talk about at least one of both. There's been a lot of admiration for dreaming so huge but over the last few years I could feel more and more people deride me. I come from a city where one of the bestselling brands is Northface. Seriously?!

People are scared of dreaming big. It's the fear of being disappointed. The fear of the dream not coming true. If you don't shoot for the stars you'll never learn to fly. And perhaps for some people it's better to stand with both their feet on the ground walking straight forward. If it comes to me, I'm the one with the head in the clouds. If fallen on my nose quite much so, while aiming to fly. But I never stopped dreaming. Ever. And - believe it or not - seven month from now The Infamous Diaries are going to be updated live from the Big Apple! Right: my big - actually huge - dreams are about to come true. After hours of application writing and re-writing and translating my resumee and searching for adresses over and over again and writing tons of e-mails with the largest amount of concentration in fear of spelling mistakes... I had an interview for interning at a fashion company's PR department on tuesday - and got the job!!

So get excited for the most amazing posts AFTER graduation-exam-stress is actually over!

xoxo V


Dienstag, 8. Oktober 2013

We love... Beginners

It's 2003. Oliver is 38, single. His dad recently died of cancer. When his Mom died 4 years ago his dad - Hal - announced, that he's gay. They've been married since 1955, that makes 44 years. 
Hal: I don't want to just be theoretically gay. I want to do something about it.
Is what he says. And he does! He joins all sort of gay-communities and even falls in love. This is something Oliver can't say of hisself so far. That changes in 2003, the moment he meets Anna.
Anna: You can ask me anything you want.
Oliver: Anything? What's there?
Anna: That's a tree. And Cars. Another building like this one. People in the building like us, half of them think it's never going to work out, the other half believe in magic. It's like a war between them.
Anna is from France. Anna's an actor. Anna's beautiful. Unusual. Inspirational. Lovable. Human. Their lovestory is no Hollywood-lovestory. It just walks through the movie. It's usual and easy - it feels real. You don't expect anything to happen or not to happen. You just let them live. Their story is told concurrently with Hal's last four years before he dies.
Also from time to time we learn more about Olivers mother. She seems weird. Embittered. Self-determined. Loving but cold. I like her. she's true to herself. She's sad. More - she's melancholic. But she's a good mother. She doesn't lock herself into her room to be sad. She carries her frustration outside, lives it. I like her.

          Oliver: Our good fortune allowed us to feel a sadness our parents never had time for. 

   The movie's great, because it feels so real. You crack up, listening to Oliver talking to his Jack Russel. Watching Hal being gay in all that he is. Being truly happy this late in life. And just when you crack up most - you want to cry. About Hal's death. The tragedy of the family. Life. Unlike to most of the movies these days you don't feel like you've read the script before. It's unexpected. Just like life's unexpected. And it hides a lot of wisdom. Little maxims hidden behind some corners. Generationconflicts not screaming for attention but nudging in you're head.