Sooo here are some inspirations, what you can keep diaries aka notebooks for:

The most famous kind of diary. Write down your thoughts and dark secrets. Start with "Dear Diary..." or simly the date. It's so much fun to re-read you thoughts even a few weeks later. Also it helped me to cope with fights or even breakups because I could recapture the good times and all that cheesy stuff.
Important: Don't feel like you have to write every
day! Feel free to write whenever you feel like it.I have gaps of a few
month in mine. Also it's okay to have blank pages. All of the notbooks
found filled by Marilyn Monroe weren't finished ;)
2. Daily Calendar
Probably the most popular form of notebook. Scedule your homework, jobbing, appointments and all other kinds of dates. I also store my timetable for school, To Do-lists, pictures of loved ones and a bunch of inspirational quotes in there.
3. Scetchbook
For the artsy ones this is a great opportunity to have not only your scribbels and doodles in one place but also collect inspirational pictures from e.g. magazines.
Or basically one for any other special thing you love. My fave notebook-brand Moleskine designed a lot of journals for any specific need and as I am kind of a globetrotter I love my travel journal!
So...what do you use your notebooks for? Any new inspirations? Shoot in the comments!
xoxo V
xoxo V
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