Mittwoch, 5. Februar 2014

The Happiness Project - Spread the Happiness!

I'm so excited! Seconds ago I finished my first ever YouTube-Video. My cause? A project! I was incredibly nervous, I hope it doesn't show too much.

In the german facebook community there's a game going around called "Halbe exen gegen Lernstress". It's about uploading a video in which you drink half a liter of beer. (I know, right?) So after I saw a friend of mine donating to the Philippines instead of drinking I thought that was something that should be spread! So I'll make a start!

Watch and learn:

So, what do you think? I hope I find a lot of happiness-spreaders among you! Here some of my ideas how to spread a little happiness:

  • Write a nice letter.
  • Clean your parents car.
  • Bake a cake. Or brownies. Or something else.
  • Donate something. Anything.
  • Pass a compliment to every person you meet. 

Most important: film yourself doing it! Upload it to facebook and nominate three other friends to Spread the Happiness!

If you want to see your video on this blog just put #tidhappy in the description of your movie. Can't wait to see them all!

...because a smile is the prettiest thing you can wear!

xoxo V

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