Donnerstag, 18. April 2013

How to...make Ombré Nails

So here's a step-by-step explanation to my fave nail style this spring: Ombré Nails!

You need:
* 3 different shades of nailpolish (most likely similar colours)
* A small sponge
* clean nails

 Step 1

Paint all of your nails in the lightest shade you choose. One coat should be enough, otherwise it's too many shades in the end and also you won't notice any gaps afterwards anyhow.

Step 2

Dapple a smidge of the second lightest colour onto a plastic sheet.

Step 3

Dip a corner of the sponge into the colour.

Step 4

Dab the colour on 3/4 of every nail.

Step 5

Repeat Step 2, 3 and 4 with the darkest shade. This time only dab the colour on the tips of the nails.
Afterwards clean your figers carefully with nailpolish-remover (I forgot that on the picture). Then seal look with a clear topcoat.

Thadaa! Your Ombré Nails are done. You can try out a lot of different looks, including glitter, different colours and more. I hope you liked it :)

xxx V

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